

发布日期:2024-04-16 08:10    点击次数:137


TIANJIN, April 11 (Xinhua) -- China on Thursday launched its national supercomputing network, marked by an inauguration event in north China's Tianjin Municipality.


The platform is intended to alleviate the imbalance of computing power supply and demand, and provide support for the development of the digital economy.


It will use artificial intelligence as an opportunity to drive collaborative innovation across hardware, algorithms,嘉兴维森进出口有限公司 applications and systems in the computing field, 吉林省长双鹿业特产开发集团有限公司 said Qian Depei, 于田县东兆烹饪有限公司 who is a computer scientist, 沙河市者企索具有限公司美术 an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the leader of the platform's expert panel.

Over 200 service providers offering applications, 福建省时代天和实业有限公司 data and computing models have joined the network, contributing over 3,200 products that encompass cutting-edge digital innovations such as scientific computing, industrial simulation and AI model training.

The construction of the national supercomputing network began in April 2023, according to a statement from the Ministry of Science and Technology. ■

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